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Distance Learning

The Intergenerational Schools will move to Distance Learning starting April 6 and go to at least May 1st. Below you will find information on our schools' Distance Learning Plan and resources to help parents through this journey. Although we are physically a part, we remain an Intergenerational Community committed to creativity and building personal connections in pursuit of Lifelong Learning. 

Key Commitments.png

Daily Instruction and Curriculum

  • Morning meeting with the whole class on ZOOM. 

    • We want to see your child and provide an opportunity for them to see their friends.​

    • Attendance will be taken during Morning Meeting.

  • Four video lessons will posted in Reading, Writing, Math, Word Study/Science 

  • Two video lessons will be posted for Specials (Art, STEM, YOGA, MUSIC, PE

  • Independent assignments to be turned in on Google Classroom or Flipgrid.

  • Community Partner Learning via designated online videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please bookmark this site and check back frequently for updates. As we workout the fine details of our Distance Education Plan, we will be adding to the FAQ section so that everyone has access to the most update to date information

​I'm having trouble with my computer, who can I call for help? 
You can call the technology help line at 216-583-5022. Technicians will be available Monday - Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. This service is free of charge to Intergenerational School families. 
How will I receive feedback on my child's assignments? 

In Google Classroom, the easiest way to see teachers’ written feedback is to follow these steps:

  1. Log into Google Classroom.

  2. Click on your class.

  3. Go to the CLASSWORK tab at the top.

  4. Click on VIEW YOUR WORK.

  5. A list of all assignments for the class will come up. Assignments either have a paper clip icon or a comment box icon. Click on any comment box icon to read feedback from the teacher.


In Flipgrid, you can access teacher feedback by following these steps:

  1. If you are in a particular Flipgrid (Reading, Writing, Math, etc.) click on YOUR CHILD’S NAME in the upper right hand corner.

  2. Select MY FLIPGRIDS.  This will take you to ALL of your child's Flipgrids for ALL subjects.

  3. If you scroll down, you can see teacher feedback on your child's individual Flipgrids.

Where can I review my child's grades and progress during Distance Learning?

Students’ work on independent student assignments and participation in daily Zoom calls will be acknowledged in new classes created in Jupiter Ed. In addition to any written feedback, these quick grades will help teachers, students, and families keep track of which assignments students have completed. By Friday of this week, you will be able to see any assignments your child has completed recognized in Jupiter, and you’ll also be able to see if they have missed any assignments.


Most of you will be familiar with Jupiter Ed because it is the system we use for incident reports, communication with families, and for keeping track of and reporting progress and grades. If you need help or a reminder about how to access your child or children’s grades on Jupiter, check out Jupiter Ed Family Help, a how-to sheet. You’ll find everything from how to login to how to access grades.

What is my child expected to do each day? What’s it going to look like? How much time will students be expected to “do school” each day? 


We’ve designed a plan that will help students stay connected with their teachers and classmates and the relationships that anchor their learning. But our plan also provides families with some flexibility to decide when much of the learning happens each day.  

All students will join a daily 45-minute ZOOM Morning Meeting with their class. This is the only 45 minutes throughout the day that students will be asked to be online at a particular time. Students will greet one another, participate in an interactive read aloud, and solve a math challenge most days. 

Teachers will then post a series of individual 15-minute (about an hour and a half of total posted content) video minilessons and assign independent student practice that flows from the minilessons. Independent student work will require about an hour of time.

Specials teachers will be posting content daily as well to keep our students moving, singing, and creating art. Students will also be required to participate in science and other demonstrations provided by community partners, like Great Lakes Science Center. 

In total, we’re recommending about 3 and a half hours of instruction each day. Only 45 of those minutes is at a particular time of the day. Families can decide how the rest of the time works with their schedule—whether completing the work all in one chunk, or splitting it up across the day. 


How will we know what the assignments are? How will we find the assignments? 

Teachers are working this week to create their virtual classrooms. Developing, Refining, and Applying Stage students will work within Google Classroom. Families will receive their logins from their classroom teachers. You can access Google Classroom at:

Primary Stage students will access all of their assignments and content through Flipgrid. Families will receive their login information from their classroom teachers. You can access Flipgrid at:

Teachers and schools will send out communication later this week with specific directions and details about access.  


What if my child does not have a computer or internet access at home? 

To date our three schools have distributed nearly 400 Chromebooks and more than 50 hot spots to ensure all of our students have access to technology and learning during this time. If your child still needs technology, or your family has realized you need additional devices, please contact your building Director of Operations:


​Will my child's teacher be available to answer questions and help with school work? 

Yes, teachers will be available to answer questions and help with school work for Office Hours each day. Each teacher will let students know when their daily Office Hours will be. In addition, teachers will provide feedback to students on the work they’re completing. Teachers can be contacted via email or phone.  


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